The 3d text model was fractured using the shatter plus plugin for Maya (it only works in 32-bit). Then I wrote some python to animate the pieces to fly inwards and come back together. Final Composite in After Effects. I also used trapcode form at the end.
Tools Used:
Maya, After Effects
I had some requests for the script that I used to create the animation for the pre-fractured pieces. Here is the python code to do this in Maya. Copy and paste this into the script editor:
import maya.cmds as cmds
import random
foo = ('polySurface*')
print (foo)
for i in foo:
xRand = random.uniform(-50,50)
yRand = random.uniform(-50,50)
zRand = random.uniform(-50,50)
cmds.xform(i, ws=True, r=True, t=(xRand ,yRand ,zRand ), ro=(xRand*10 , yRand*10 , zRand*10 ))
cmds.setKeyframe (i, t='1.0')
for i in foo:
xRand = random.uniform(-10,10)
yRand = random.uniform(-10,10)
zRand = random.uniform(-10,10)
cmds.xform(i, ws=True, t=(0,0,0), ro=(xRand*5, yRand*5, zRand*5))
cmds.setKeyframe (i, t='50.0')
for i in foo:
cmds.xform(i, ws=True, ro=(0,0,0))
cmds.setKeyframe (i, t='60.0')